05-03-04: so today i was updating the NEWS page and started going off on things that arent really "BOMB
News" related, and then i gave myself the idea of making a journal on this website where i could post a bunch of random stuff.
i will probably talk about my hatred for school, my love for girls, my love for music, and i will be sure to post random lyrics
and poems that i write in upcoming days. i actually wrote something today!! i dont know if it is going to just be a poem,
or if it will be lyrics, but check it out. (warning: its just a work in progress. its not finished yet, probably)...
Motionless Everyone is still, but me Expired Everyone is dead, but me
You make me feel alive You
make me feel alive You make me feel...
Distracted Nothing else matters right now Interested Ive never
seen an angel before
You make me feel alive You make me feel alive You make me feel
Please take me
Please have me Forever
so yeah, thats it...its just a work in progress, it might not be used, but i felt like writing something instead of doing
my homework like i should be doing. i have been here at school for almost 4 hours, and all i have done is write a one page
paper. i shouldnt be sitting here doing nothing, i should really be doing my work...but its hard to not get so bored! when
i get bored, i stop doing whatever is making me bored. i just say "no more" and then i go do somethign else for awhile. i
have to make up a few credits that im missing in order to graduate...theres no way i can get all of my stuff done before graduation.
i will probably have to do this crap in the summer too, or maybe next year. lame huh? yes, i think so. i will get it done
someday though, i promise. ok, i am really hungry so i have to go eat something. i am hypoglocemic...lame huh?
05-04-04: today is another boring Tuesday. i fell asleep in my Independant Music Class today. it was
pretty refreshing though. i like diet coke. i also like the famous star hamburger at carl's junior. i also like you. your
friend too, i guess! yeah im crazy...you know what band is really really really good? Ariel Kill Him. its a little one man
band from Sweden. he is so good. go on Kazaa and search for his stuff. if you are cool, you will like it. haha just kidding.
ok, i dont have much to say right now. if i think of something neat later, i will tell you. miss you. love you. bye bye.
05-05-04: today i finished the lyrics to the song above. its called LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. here's the
newly improved lyrics:
Motionless Everyone is still but me Expired Everyone is dead but me
The only thing moving is my heart
Its beating so hard and fast If my lips werent super-glued shut I would ask for your hand
You make me
feel alive You make me feel alive You make me feel...
Distracted Nothing else matters right now Interested
Ive never seen an angel before
This room is nothing but foggy The only thing clear is my love for you This
is love at first sight If you only knew what you were doing to me
You make me feel alive You make me feel
alive You make me feel
Please take me Please have me Forever
so yeah, thats the new song. im sure there will be a few changes in the final version. i might have to cut some words
out, or re-write little parts for it to fit in the song correctly. some lines might have too many syllables or something.
i wrote the music that i want to put these words with. its got a lot of piano in it. if it turns out the way im thinking
it will, it will be quite tasty! im going to go record the song now. see ya.
5-11-04: hello all....4 or 5 people, maybe? haha. im going to see Armor For Sleep tonight. im excited.
im almost more excited to see my wannabe-girlfriend's band play. wannabe......yes.....sad. k uhh, i finally got the guitars
recorded for my new song. piano, maybe synth, and vocals are that needs to be done now. out.
5-13-04: hey there. im in a pissy mood tonight. i hate being 18 and having a curfew. i asked my mom
if i could go to my friend Chris' house at 7:30 and she said "No its a school night." it was 7:30!!! it pisses me off! oh
yeah, and i HATE school. my teachers are jerks to me, at least they were on wednesday. hopefully they wont be jerky again
tomorrow, cuz i will be a jerk back. hmm...so today i was on a Buddy Holly kick. his songs rule. 50's music rules. anyways,
i got inspired while reading through his lyrics so i wrote a new song. it will be a 50's type song. the lyrics arent fancy,
the music wont be fancy, nothing will be fancy. its just gonna be a fun song that you can dance to. yay! so i have a show
on saturday, incase you didnt know. with Shane (my wannabe girlfriend's band) and my NEW joke band The Pilmer Rhoades Trio.
there are only 2 of us, mind you. haha. anyways, we started this "band" on wednesday and wrote 5 songs. they are all awesome!
so we are recording all of the songs we do tomorrow and we will make a cd. its gonna rule, i promise. haha. hopefully you
will all laugh as much as we were the other day. yes! anyways, things with the wannabe girlfriend dont seem
like they are going to get any better. i dont think she wants me as a boyfriend...sadness. maybe i will stop being a
baby though and move on when she finally says No. if she says that she DOES want me as a boyfriend, i might poop my pants
from being so happy! YES!! haha. we will see, i guess. oh yeah, so i have been recording my new song "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT"
all week, and its still not finished. i think i have most of the music finished, but the vocals still need some work. surprised?
haha im not! oh, the lyrics to my song "She's Gone" were published in my school's art magazine. i thought that was pretty
cool. its a really good song, in my opinion. ok, i am going to end this now. im gonna watch a movie or something...see ya.
5-17-04: well the show got cancelled at the last minute...sorry if you went there but there was no show...BOMB
and The Pilmer Rhoades Trio is playing a free show in my garage Friday night or Saturday night. i will send out a newsletter
with the details when i get them figured out. so i have been recording this new LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT song forever, it seems
like! its still not to my liking. its hard making a song perfect. especially when you dont like the way you sing. i need to
do something about that...hmm.......school sucks. have i ever said that before? haha. Justin Timberlake rules, i dont care
what any of you think! "Cry me a river" is rad! anyways, i have nothing to talk about, so im outta here! i love you......
06-09-04: its been awhile since ive written in this lame-o page. i finally finished my new song LOVE
AT FIRST SIGHT. i added a ton of things to it to make it sound not so much like every other BOMB song. so thats neato. right
now, im working on yet another new song. i only have the intro/verse written. no words yet, though. im trying to make it sound
like an Ariel Kill Him/Brads One Man Band song. we will just have to see how that goes, i guess. i like diet coke. its addicting
though. i dyed my hair a couple weeks ago. its heavily highlighted. and my hair is getting freakin long too!! i sometimes
have to swing my head like a knight in shining armor to get it out of my eyes so i can see. haha. its rad though. i like it.
school sucks!! even though my high school is over, i still have to make up all these credits i was behind in. im gonna take
the GED though because if i dont, it will give me 42 packets that i will have to do! FUH THAT!!!! if i pass the GED, then
it only will leave me with 14 packets, which still sucks but its better than 42! anyways, im off. theres not much going on
these days. just school and playing video games. until next time...ta-ta.
09-08-04: im done with school. i have been for awhile, actually...i never update this thing anymore.
not a lot is going on. i have 5 or 6 new songs for the next BOMB cd thats going to be entitled "Emoticon" unless i think of
something else. why is it called "Emoticon", you ask? Emoticons are those funny little smiley faces on those instant messenger
things. the beginning of the word is Emo and my music is sort of Emo-ish i guess, so i thought it was sort of funny. so i
have actually recorded 4 or 5 songs in the past 3 months that were just for fun. they arent going to be on any cds anytime
soon or at all, but if you want to hear them, they are on www.soundclick.com/BradsOneManBand along with all of my other new songs that will be on the new cd. the newest song, "Tonight", was recorded 2 days ago. i like
it. it makes you wanna dance!! so its 1:50am and im sitting here eating goldfish crackers and drinking diet coke. its a winning
combination! im going to bed now, i think. im feeling pretty delirious at the moment. tata.
12-16-04: wowzers! here i am! its been a few months since ive updated this "journal" thing, but im bored
so i thought id say a few words. all the songs for the new cd are written. im recorded demos of all of them, so now im recording
the REAL songs for the cd. so far, 4 are completely done. im not sure the exact number of tracks that are going to be on the
cd, but there should be more about 15, thats including the bonus tracks that im sure you will all find quite entertaining...hahaha.
if you have heard my joke band Crazy Crazy Yam, then you might recognize a couple of the bonus tracks. have you heard of MySpace.com?
its the most addicting website ever. i wrote a song about it the other day, and i recorded it. its at www.myspace.com/bradsonemanband, if you want to hear it. so Christmas is just around the corner, so i put the Christmas Song up on the Music page here. everyone
seems to be enjoying it, so maybe you will too. ive sold a few BOMB cds in the past couple of months to out-of-towners. a
few people all over the US have bought a cd, so its pretty cool. i just got an email from another person today who is going
to buy one. im not sure where she is from though. well, i think im going to go to the grocery store and buy some donuts now,
so im going to end this. the cd should be completely done in january. i hope you all like it. its taken me over a year to
write all these songs, and i would have given up on it a long time ago, but all the "BOMBers" (fans) have been pushing
me to finish it and get it out to the people, so this cd is dedicated to you! xoxoxo -BRADLEY