Brad's One-Man Band
mailing list

10-26-04: 9 songs are written for the next album. demos of most of them are on

12-12-04: my friend Lindsay designed the cd cover for the new cd. here it is.:


12-16-04: I've recorded all the demos for the new cd, so now im re-recording the final versions of the songs. so far, 5 are completely done! Invisible Boy, One Sided Love, A Fictional Masterpiece, Hopscotch, and How's The Weather? the music to a couple other songs are done too, but i still need to put the vocals on them. in January, the new cd should finally be done! yippee!

12-23-04: i'm bored so i'm going to post all the song names that may or may not appear on the new cd:

Invisible Boy
How's The Weather?
Hardest Goodbye
One Sided Love
Love At First Sight
Wake Up, Move On
Crazy Crazy Yam
A Boom Bing Bang
Spin The Bottle
So Far Away
I Don't Care
To You
A Fictional Masterpiece
Untitled (Happy Song)
BOMB Theme Song
Just Like Heaven
Baby Got Back

happy new years everyone! the new cd is finally starting to wrap up! i just have to record 2 or 3 more songs, and then it will be set for all to hear. here is the tracklist, incase you're interested:

01. love at first sight
02. invisible boy
03. pathetic
04. hopscotch
05. happy song
06. so far away
07. how's the weather?
08. say ha
09. one sided love
10. falling for you
11. tomorrow
12. brad's one man band theme song
13. train talk
14. crazy crazy yam
15. a boom bing bang
16. spin the bottle
17. baby got back/twinkle, twinkle little star (live)

3/26/05: yikes, its been FOREVER since ive updated this, it feels like. how are you all? im good. the "new" CD is finally DONE! i forget what day i decided to call it "officially released" but that doesnt really matter. what matters is its done, and available for purchase! so if you want to buy it, email me and let me know. maybe i will make a MERCH page someday in the neat future.

other news: my FULL band (tentatively called Brad's Full Man Band) played its first show last month. it was loads of fun! the songs we played were Invisible Boy, The Most Perfect of Perfect, Tonight, Day Dream, and She's Gone. we didnt mess up too bad, and people had fun. there was this one crazy drunk lady dancing the whole time, and she gave me a high five after we played. haha! we have a MySpace page, so check it out! ADD US TO YOUR FRIENDS!!!

well thats pretty much all the news for now. i have to go to my friend's play now. i will try to update this junk more often. does anyone even come to this site and read this??? haha. OUT!! xoxo brad

5/17/05: i made some small updates to the site. it's been awhile since ive played a solo show, as you might have been able to tell, so i finally played one recently (on the 14th) at the Gallivan Center in SLC. for all of you that werent there (that means ALL OF YOU because there were only a handful of people there), i recorded the whole performance. if you want to listen OR download it, go here:

October 19, 2005:

it's 10:01 PM, i have a headache in the back of my head/upper neck, i'm sipping back some diet coke, chatting to a couple friends on MSN, and refreshing my MySpace page every 3 seconds. while squeezing my head trying to rid the pain (go figure), i relized that i had not updated my website in quite awhile. i basically use my BOMB MySpace page as my official website now, it seems like. but no fear, i will still update this website when i remember it again in the next few months haha.

so...whats new with Brad and his One Man Band??? some of you might know, the last BOMB cd "The Record: Emoticon" took over a year for me to "finish." i quote "finish" because it really doesnt feel finished to me. basically, i had been working on it for so long, that the stress of someday finishing it got too overwhelming and i just decided to 'release as is.' its kind of funny cuz i never "released" it to anyone. i only gave it to a handful of people because i felt that everyone be as disappointed with it as i was...dont get me wrong, if the songs had been recorded the way i wanted them to be, it would be my favorite BOMB cd to date. i just would get too stressed out about a song and just give up on it and move to the next one. so yah....that cd went to hell, BUT NO FEAR, A NEW ONE IS NEAR!!!

thats right, i have been working on a new BOMB cd. and it hasnt taken over a year to do it! haha. i want about 10-12 songs on it. i have 5 or 6 recorded, i need to finish recording 3 or 4, and then finish writing 2, and then record those, and then it will be DONE DONE DONE!! the 3 newest songs are on my MySpace page (who would have guessed that?!) for your listening pleasure. WWW.MYSPACE.COM/BRADSONEMANBAND.

lets see, what else can i talk about...shows? i have had a few shows here and there, including one back in September with my friends from Darci Cash and The Hanks. that was a lot of fun. i sold out of cds, which has never happened. and just a couple weeks ago, i played at a local high school...and another first happened...during my first song, some idiot threw something at my head. it ticked me off. i changed the lyrics to my song to fit how i felt...instead of singing "all that i ask of you is for you to delete every cute myspace comment i left you"......i changed the lyrics to "all that i ask of you is for you to kick whoever's a** that threw the thing at my f****** head!"....hahahaha needless to say, playing in a high school, the faculty and people in charge didnt like my use of words. the girl in charge walked over to me after my second song and said "one more song" so i did...haha. instead of playing half an hour like i was supposed to, i played 3 songs. that was an eventful night and will go down in BOMB history as the first time i have ever gotten something thrown at me, gotten mad to the point of saying bad words, and gotten asked to cut my set down because of something i did. *applause*

anyways, i am getting tired. its 10:18 now. my diet coke can is empty. my friends on MSN are getting mad since im not talking to them right now. so i am off. i will try to remember to update this site more often...i may go update a few other pages tonight before i go to bed. have a lovely night and day and week and etc.