Brad's One-Man Band
mailing list

name: Bradley
nicknames: Brad
age: 19
birthday: april 15, 1986
hair color: brown
eye color: blue/green (im told they change color...)
toothbrush color: i am special so my mom bought me a 60 dollar electric one...its white, but has a cool little green button.
fav bands: the ataris, armor for sleep, blink 182, jimmy eat world, ariel kill him, and a TON more!
fav songs: depends on my mood...
fav cds: depends on my mood, but i can always bust out Armor For Sleep's "Dream To Make Believe" CD, Jimmy Eat World's "Clarity", and Blink 182's "Dude Ranch".
fav cartoon: spongebob squarepants, looney tunes, the oldschool ninja turtles!!(boo with the new!)
fav cartoon character: spongebob and daffy duck.
fav channel: mostly MTV and MTV2 and Fuse
fav movies: dumb & dumber, ferris beuhler's day off, bio-dome, american pie, a christmas story, a walk to remember, most of the older Disney movies.
fav sitcom: seinfeld, everybody loves raymond, that 70's show, will and grace.
fav quote: "absense makes the heart grow fonder"
taken?: mostly no
fav drink: fresca, diet coke, shasta
fav food: mexican food, donuts
interesting fact: when i am watching TV, the volume must be like this: if its in the 40 range, it has to be 40, 43, 45, 47, or 50....i seriously freak out if its not...ask anyone!!
fav color: blue
biggest fear in life: the end of the world
fav animal: your mom
fav kind of pasta: umm....i like ramen noodles, spaghetti is yummy too.
fav band member of BOMB: the bass player, but i hear he's gay...
fav brand of clothing: i dont wear clothes.
do you like boobs?: no comment......yes.
wierdest dream?: sliding down a sprial rainbow slide with a very happy grin on my face....(i really had that dream, but i swear im not gay!)
fav flower: rose (thats the only one i know how to spell)
do you like pez?: yup
fav pez dispenser: i like the ninja turtle ones
fav alcoholic beverage: can diet coke be my answer? its addicting...
fav male supermodel: myself
fav spot in the house: the garage
inny or outey?: inny
do you wear clean underwear?: usually, but dont tell....
boxers or briefs?: boxers
whats your great grandmothers maiden name?: thats a good question...
do you prefer McCalls of Simplicity for all your sewing needs?: neither
do you stink?: you mean at singing? yes.
horror, chick flick, action, comedy, childrens, musicals?: comedy and a good "not-too-chicky" chick flick...example: A Walk To Remember. that movie seriously rules all.
fav magic 8 ball answer: "ask again later"
mud or dirt in your brownies?: mud sprinkled with dirt with a rock on top
fav season: spring
fav womans perfume: Love Spell and Sweet Pea.
fav hosiery: whatever your mom was wearing lastnight...hahaha!
fav deodorant brand: speed stick glacier gel
why are you at this website?: because i made it, and i have no life.
fav choreographer: myself.
what are your obsessions?: music, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, girls, ninja turtles, diet coke, hilary duff/pop music, and you.
what word is in this sentence the most? " I am the coolest person in the universe": the...i win!
are you sick of this?: not really...i have nothing better to do.
kleenex or tissue?: tissue
fav toilet paper brand: whats toilet paper?
what are you wearing right now?: t-shirt, dickies shorts, white heal socks, shoes, boxers...the usual
who or what do you dream about the most?: playing on a huge stage in front of millions of weird.
pink, magenta, or brick red?: pink
korea, china, or japan?: china...
snickers or milkyways?: snickers
whos the coolest live band ever?: The Vandals, Green Day, The Aquabats, and Andrew W.K.
fav video games: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles In Time
fav Jelly Belly flavor: lemon and the sour ones.
least fav bands: basically just all those Rap Rock bands.
least fav cds: Flesh Peddler
fav mathematical equation: x + 3 = 5.....whats the answer? nope, its 2...haha!! NERDS!!
fav number: 0123456789
fav brand of notebook paper: Mead...isnt that the only brand?
fav fast food place: Taco Bell and Carl's Jr.
fav grocery store: its a tie between Allen's (i love their shasta machine) and Albertson's (i love using my Preffered Savings Card)
fav time of the day: when school gets out, or when i am playing my guitar/recording.
fav color of scissors: green
fav tv show theme song: the old Ninja Turtles cartoon theme...i still have it memorized.
fav shape: circle...because it goes on forever...just like true not gay.
what brand of shoes do you wear?: i dont know...the brand name is rubbed off on the inside of my shoe! i baught them at Payless though....
fav state: california
fav continent: amereeeeca
fav BOMB song: whenever i have a new song, it becomes my favorite until i re-record it over and over to make it perfect. its never perfect...
fav brand of depends: they all make me crap my pants, they are soooo good!
fav pizza topping: pepperoni
fav things to burn: stuffed animals
fav store: Media Play, Big Daddy's
fav actor/actress: Actor: Vanilla Ice, Actress: Britney Spears
fav "One Hit Wonder": Hanson.
fav color of marker: blue...
