for "The Record: Emoticon":
1. Love At First Sight - this song was the first "fancy" song i ever recorded. its got guitar and piano until
the end where some other instruments come in and make it sound ultra neat and awesome and swell. basically, the song is about
hanging out at a party or something, and then looking acrossed the room seeing someone that you instantly become infatuated
2. Invisible Boy - this song is old. i wrote it in early 2004. i recorded it a few times since then, but the recordings
never made me very happy until now, i guess. anyways, this song is about me sitting in the back corner of a classroom staring
at a girl who is in the front row on the opposite side of where i am. the lyrics tell that every day i do the same, i stare
at her hoping that she will turn and glance into mine. my favorite line is the one that goes "ive never looked at her
face to face except in the hall and the time i accidently on purpose bumped into her at the mall." hahaha.
3. Pathetic - i wrote the music to this song first, and then started writing random lines down just so i could have something
to sing while i figure out a melody for it. while i was writing the words, i said to myself, "wow, these are really pathetic..."
and then i thought, "hey, thats the song!" so i rewrote a few parts, added some stuff, and then that is what Pathetic
is today. its about wanting a girl back, but they dont want you.
4. Hopscotch - hahaha inside jokes are awesome, thats all i can say! if you dont know what this song is about, listen
to it again.
5. Happy Song - i couldnt think of a better title for this song. i just called it the Happy Song all the time because
thats what it sounds like to me. just one exciting, happy song. i have to tune my guitar kind of funky to play this song.
alternate tunings are fun. its one of the last songs i wrote for this cd, and im really happy its on here. it makes me want
to dance!!!!!
6. So Far Away - first of all, ive never had a piano lesson in all my life, so if you're a piano player and you say "wow,
you really suck at the piano" thats why. hahaha. anyways, So Far Away is a pretty song about being far away from the
person you want to be with the most.
7. How's The Weather? - i like this song. the lyrics are serious but the way i play it and sing it, you think its a joke
song. its about girls being so undecisive all the time in relationships. "no two days are ever the same."
8. Say Ha - this song is another of the newest songs on this cd. originally, this song and Falling For You were going
to be on an EP or something after i "released" this cd. it was going to be an EP of just a few songs that were 1950's
influenced. you can kind of hear the influence in this song. but near the end of making this cd, i decided i'd just throw
it on. its a fun song. love it. cherish it. eat it.
9. One Sided Love - this is about being in love with someone, but they dont love you the same way. sort of like the song
Pathetic, but different enough that i added it to this cd too. i love the ending of this song. its kind of like on Love At
First Sight.
10. Falling For You - this is the other song that was going to be on that EP i was planning on making. its another fun
song with some 50's influence. mostly at the end. its happy!!!!
11. Tomorrow - this is THE newest song on the cd. its a sad song about being depressed. you're saying to yourself or someone
else "i just need to be alone today. i will be better tomorrow." but you know you're only going to be pretending
to be better tomorrow. this song hits pretty close to home, on some days.
12. BOMB Theme Song - so its tradition to have a goofy song at the end of the cd, so this is the one for "Emoticon."
its just a dorky 20 second theme song. and you might recognize the little thing at the end of it. TMNT REPRESENT!!!!!!!!!!
13. Train Talk - in October '04, i went with my dad, my step mom, and my step sisters on a train to go from Utah to California.....BIG
mistake!!....luckily i brought my tape recorder along so i could chronicle the "Hell Ride." hahaha. in this, you
will hear how random and insane i can be at times.
14. Crazy Crazy Yam - i made this up at 2 AM one very early morning. theres no instruments, just my randomness.
15. A Boom Bing Bang - another 2 AM crazy, so what?
16. Spin The Bottle - i made this song when i was half awake on that freakin train ride to California. its about playing
Spin the Bottle, duh!
17a. Baby Got Back - i recorded this on January 1, 2005 at about 11 o'clock in the morning. this could very well be the
first recorded song in Utah of 2005!! yay!
17b. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Live) - i played a show in March of 2004 that sold out, so i thought it would be fun
to get a little sing along going...ive always thought this sounded pretty cool, except for that really loud annoying girl...hahaha.