December 28, 2003
by Travis Bickle
Me: Hello brad, this is Travis. Brad: oh hey Me:
Can I give you a small interview about your stuff? Brad: sure, thats fine Me: Is your music
totally serious? And if so what is it about? Brad: i think my music and stuff is serious, but i dont really
take it seriously...most of my songs are about girls, but i also have a ton of songs about funny stuff... Me: Cool.
I noticed a couple of songs that were slightly funny. What song do you feel is the most serious and describes you best?
Brad: i think She's Gone is probably the most serious. it was about a breakup i recently went through with
a girlfriend i had for almost 3 years. Me: Wow, sorry man. Have you always written about love and love lost?
Brad: when i first started writing songs and stuff, i was totally into just writing funny songs because i didnt
really have any serious relationships going on. but when i got a girlfriend, thats when it all started... Me: Oh,
ha ha, I see. I also just broke up with someone. She was dumb. Brad: haha Me: How long have
you been writing music? Or playing guitar for that matter? Brad: i started playing guitar about 6 years ago,
and i took lessons for 2 years and then decided that i didnt like what i was learning. so i started learning how to play the
songs that i liked and i learned from those, and thats when i started writing my own stuff. ive been making BOMB cds for about
4 years, i think. Me: Wow, that is pretty cool. Do you have any other recordings of BOMB or other bands you
have been a part of? Brad: i have 12 BOMB cds all together (hahaha) and i have a bunch of recordings ive done
with other bands ive been in, like The Psychotic Jellybeans, Opiok, Neon Night Riders, and Sideburn. actually, Sideburn
and Opiok were the same thing, haha Me: Oh wow, I had no idea you were so involved. I am assuming that Opiok
has to do with Opiok the person? Brad: yeah, him and i played guitar in Opiok. Me: He and I.
Sorry, bad habbit. Brad: haha yeah!, it took me awhile to think about it Me: Do you have any
plans to release this album locally, or to take BOMB to other levels? Brad: i'd like to, but i guess it all
depends on the fan base and stuff, you know? im going to be making a 3 or 4 song EP containing the best songs from my new
album and then i handing them out to people i meet or something; just to get some people interested. do you think i should
release this new album locally? i dont know if people would want it or not...haha Me: I think that people will
be honest with you about it. I know that Matt (superman) liked it, and he told me to be honest about it, but to take a chance.
Read the review today or tomorrow to get what I think, but I think enough people would like it. And plus, it only matters
if you like it. Brad: the thing with my cds is that i know its not perfect and i try to not kill myself by
trying to make it perfect...i know parts need help and stuff, but its just something i do when im bored or whatever. Me:
Well, maybe with time you can get down the parts that you feel are lacking, and you can learn new things to take the place
of things you don't like, you know? Brad: yeah, every cd i make progresses, ive noticed. my lyrics are getting
more serious, and my music is getting better Me: That is the point, isn't it? Brad: yeah, but
everyone who has heard my cds before this new one says that this one blows those out of the say thats a pretty
good compliment Me: I would agree.