she makes me smile like no one else does
when i look in her brown eyes, i get a buzz
i lost count of all the dreams ive had about her
i love to gently touch her soft fingers...
please dont tell her this really big secret
please dont let her know any of this...
dont let her know that i would die for her
dont let her know that someday i want to marry her
when i look at her, theres a bright glow just like angel
and when i kiss her, my heart feels extremely full
when she is out of town, i try so hard to not cry all night
how lucky are we, we've never been in a real fight...
as she walks home from my house, i watch her until she turns the corner
i cant even imagine my life without her
sometimes in the weirdest of places, i smell her lovely perfume
i want to hold her in my arms right now, yes i really do
do you wanna know a secret?
i am completely in love with her
and i want to hold her hand
and never let go
2. This All Must Be A Dream
sometimes when im all alone i sit and watch the sunset
and somehow it reminds me of when you and i met...
this all must be a dream
how could we be so lucky,
to be so very young,
and to be this much in love?
sometimes when im all alone i sit and stare at the moon
and somehow it reminds me of the eyes God has given you...
wake me up from this dream, if it is one
pinch me on the arm, if it is one
pour cold water on me, if it is one
this dream is so amazing!
3. Please Come Back
when will you be home again?
i pray for right now because i miss you so
i wanna see you again
without your smile in front of me, i go crazy...
i cannot sleep, i cannot eat
i cant stop thinking about you
i cant wish for anything more
than just to hold you in my arms right now
i wish you were here
not just right now but every day
wouldnt it be great if
you were always holding my hand...
please come back, i miss you so much
please come back, we'll go out for lunch
please come back, i hate when you're not here
please come back, dont let me drop anymore tears...
4. I Love You, You Love Me
when i see you everyday, i cant help but stare at your face
i get all flustered inside, i always get butterflies
when i am with you, when we are holding hands
i feel what true love feels like, i know that you are right...
i love you, you love me
how 'bout we get married someday
i love you, i always will
we are really in love
i love holding your hand, it is my most favorite thing
i want to hold them again, maybe outside in the rain
we know each other so well, we can finished sentences
i feel what true love feels like, i know that you are right...
i want to be with you for the rest of my life
i want you to be my beautiful wife...
5. The Saddest Song Ever
just when i didnt think things could get any better, this happens- you broke up with so confused
about all of it. if we are this much in love, then why should we have to feel like we have to hide it? it doesnt make sense
that we have to throw it all away just to follow one little know how you were saying that you think you might
snap, you dont think you will stick to your decision? well i think i might snap too, i think i might already have...its
so hard to just act like we are friends, its so hard to not hold your hand or kiss you and not being able to say that i am
completely in love with you. i wish we didnt have to live in such a strict community, i cant wait to pack up my stuff and
leave. oh how bad i wish you were 16 cuz then we wouldnt have to pretend anymore. if i could tell everyone on this earth how
much i love you, you better bet that i would. im still in love with you, you say you still love me, so why not just let our
love grow. why should we have to prented that it has gone away when we know that its right?
6. Being A Teenager Sucks
turning sixteen is supposed to be fun
you get to drive and date anyone
but on the other hand it blows...
being a teenger is over-rated
girls are confusing,
you get misleaded
you despise your high school
and you try so hard to be cool
being a teen is supposed to be fun
you can hang out with you friends,
and get a tan in the sun
and then maybe you'll get a girlfriend
and then she'll make out with your best friend
and then you wish your life would just end...
being a teenager sucks!
7. The World Ends Tomorrow
we interupt this program to tell you the end is here
who would have thought this would be the last year
dont let go of your loved ones before tomorrow
tomorrow is when it will all go down...
i hope you hold my picture in your hand
i hope you know that we'll see each other again
i hope you remember all the times i said I Love You
i hope you know that i would have said I Do
all of these memories keep coming back to me
like when we would sit on my couch and dream we were married
so many memories, but such little time
but at least i could say that you were mine
do you remember the first time we kissed
do you remember the first class we missed
do you remember when i sung to you
i do, and i hope that you do too
8. Slipping Away
she was my dream, she was my angel
she was all that i ever lived for
she was my girl, she was my friend
but i gave up too easily that afternoon...
"slipping away!" thats what she yelled to me
as i tried to pull her up from that hundred foot cliff
"slipping away!" i didnt have the strength
i watched her fall to the sharp rocks below
ill never forgive myself
i could have tried harder
but now it's over, shes no longer in my arms
i feel no point to live anymore...
pulled the perfect knife from the drawer
found the most perfect vain
pricked my skin with the point
just let me bleed a little more,
a little more
"slipping away!!"
9. Unfaithful
im sorry for putting you through this
im sorry for holding her hand
but i was so lonely that dark night
you werent going to be home for another week
i couldnt stand being all alone
i deserve any punishment you give me
i swear ill never do it again
i realize how much i really love you
and i hate myself for not being faithful
this promise ring on my finger tells me
what true love really is
its staying with only this one girl, no one else
and im sorry for breaking this promise
and i hope someday you will forgive me
i cant stress enough how sorry i truely am
please forgive me
i really know now that im an asshole
i deserved that slap you gave me...
10. I Wish You Were Dead
im still waiting for an apology
but instead i get is a lecture
i just sit here and take it
you dont wanna know whats going through my head
i wish you were dead
or at least unable to speak
my life would be so much peaceful without you
i wish you were gone
or not even born
my life would be so much nicer without you
if i had it my way, id be gone
and i would have left a long time ago
id do what i want, and see who i want
and not have to listen to your mouth
i wish you were dead!
11. How Am I So Lucky?
i sing a tune, it reminds me of you
im writing this for you
cuz im in love with you
sing me a song, one that goes
like the beat of your heart when we are close
i look into your eyes and i wonder
what i did to deserve an angel like you
lets sneak out again tonight
lets meet behind the junior high
im gonna sing this song to you
cuz i love you, i do
12. Felton Shirl
all your notes are in a pile on my bedroom floor
i read them all but i know there is one more
my favorite one is somewhere unknown,
my memory is somewhere unknown
but i still remember what it says
it says...
i love you so much
im sure we'll be together forever
just being with you all day
and to wake up next to you
would be the greastest thing in the world to me...
just those lines bring a smile to my face
many times ive thought those exact same things
im not scared that you will ever love anyone else but me
you're not scared that i will love anyone else but you
dont worry about me
i wont worry about you
i dont think we are ever going to fall out of love
how could i leave you
we're so amazing together
we have never had a single fight
over these two years
who else can say that?
we're in love