1. Another Dumb Girl Song
without her, im nothing but dust
without her, im just a piece of crust
but when we're holding hands on my couch together
im no longer nothing, im in love
shes all that i need to make me complete
shes all that i want, did i mention shes hot?
shes all that i need, shes all that i need
shes all that i need and all that i want...
i paint her face inside my head
i dance on the star that we both wish on
i climb the mountain because she is at the top
shes waiting for me, shes my princess...
but one day when i got to the top
she wasnt there, only a paper cup
and inside was a letter with my name on the front
so i hurried fast and opened it up
dear brad, i found a new prince
my needs and wants renewed
please dont be sad, someday we'll hang out again
lets start over as just friends...
i broke down in tears, i couldnt believe my eyes
she used to say that wed be together forever
forever is not supposed to end...
2. I Miss You
i wrote you a letter today saying how much i miss you
this days been the saddest day
i miss holding your hand
you are so far away
and i need you the most today
i hate being without you
please come back here today...
i miss you, i need you here by me right now
im lonely, so lonely when you arent here with me...
where are you when i need you the most?
i cant stand your absence this week
i miss your sweet smile
i miss your pretty eyes
today has been the hardest day of them all...
im miserable!!
3. A Song To A Chick 2
our love is something special
its not a teenage flig
its love...true love
when i kiss you , i close my eyes
and what i see is a beautiful sunset
we're sitting there together in each other's arms
and im crying because im holding an angel
and when i hold your hand
i feel like im holding onto a cloud
they're so smooth, they're so perfect
no one's hands could be better than yours
and when we hug, i dont want to ever let go
i feel so safe, i feel humble
knowing that you are here by me is the best feeling
when i pull away, you're smiling
i feel tears start to build up in my eyes
you are the girl for me
you are the girl in my dreams
and i know someday we'll get married
and have our own children
in my heart, i truely feel that this might possibly happen
am i dreaming to big?
could really come true?
of course it could happen
and it will happen
as long as i dont ever lose you
i only want to be with you
i only want to love you
im in love with you
4. Star
later tonight, we'll sneak out again
we'll meet at our spot
bring your pillow and a blanket
we'll lay under the stars
and search for constilations
and then ill kiss you one last time
before we have to say goodnight...
please sleep tight
and dream of me tonight
because i will be dreaming of you
instead of a star, we watch time fly by
as we kiss each other goodnight
while we're laying there
a shooting star flies over our heads
i make a wish, wishing you'll be mine forever
i could never find a replacement for your smile
you are the most amazing girl
you're my lucky star
5. Piano Song
you're asleep, im awake
i cover you up with that blanket you made
you smile, i kiss your lips
now dream away
dream away, dream of me...
there you are looking like an angel
you're the prettiest girl in the world
ill give you my heart if you give me your hand
i want to lay with you in the sand
i am yours for life...
you awake, stretch and yawn
all i can do is smile at your face
its so cute, it really is
you hug me, hugging's my favorite thing...
6. Valentines Day
my heart just stopped when you passsed by
i get twitterpated, will you be mine?
here is a card confessing my love
i place it in your box, i hope you wont hate me
today is valentines day
its the day to say "i love you"
i sit in my chair, watch you pull out my card
i see you flip it over, you look up at me
you give me a smile, you get out of your seat
you walk over to me with a note for me to read
i read your note
it says you'll be mine
i silently scream for joy
we are in love
so in love
we are in love
yeah yeah
7. Alone Again
alone again this friday night
im lonelier than usual
theres not a girl in sight
here i am sitting on my couch
holding no ones hand tonight
if dreams came true,
you'd be here with me tonight
hello again, im still alone
and since no one ever calls me
i decided to throw my phone
out the window...
all ive ever lived on is my dreams
but i mind as well not keep on waiting
cuz my dreams wont ever come true
thats why im all alone
without you
8. Cheater
what pushes people to do this
what triggers their messed up minds
how could a person do this to someone they said they loved
doesnt make a damn bit of sense to me...
she cries out my name as i walk away
i dont look back, not after what she did to me
she says that she wont ever do it again
but that is what she said the first time
im trying to stay strong
i really thought that we were in love
but how long does it last
not long enough, so it seems to me...
she begs for forgiveness
but all i can give her is
that true love bracelet she gave me...
9. Untitled
do you know the muffin man
will you hold my lonely hand
going along without you here
hardest, saddest thing of the whole year
i want us to be more than friends
i swear our love will never end
i wish you were here by me
i want you for eternity
10. Star (Acoustic)
(look at track 4)
11. Cell Phone
(no lyrics)
punch in these numbers so then you can play the song too!!:
12. All I Want
i get lost inside your chocolate brown eyes
i cant stand next to you without holding your hand
i hate being away from you, even for one minute
i count down the hours until i get to see you again
all i want is to wake up next to you
all i want is to hear your voice
all i want is to see you smile
all i want is to be with you
sometimes when we're not together, i get depressed
the only thing that makes me happy is you
you're more than just my girl, you are my best friend
i can tell you anything, im so in love with you!
when i stare at you, and when you stare at me
theres some kind of magic there, i cant explain
im surprised that you love, you're surprised that i love you
and i wouldnt trade what we have for the world
13. Precious
you say you love me more than i love you
but ill tell you right now, that cant be true
i love you so much more than you know
i love you more than i could ever show
every moment in life is precious
and a second without you is a moment wasted...
i see you every day, but thats still not enough
i wanna hold you all day long, i love when we hug
i promise you, ill never leave your side
ill stick with you until the end of time