Brad's One-Man Band
Goes Boom lyrics
mailing list

1. I Hate You
i know you think that it is right
you tell me so every night
to tell you the truth-i disagree
thats not the way i think it should be
i think it should be the other way around
i think it in my head not making a sound
i dont want to upset you again...
so how about you just leave me be
how about you stop calling me
how about you go and climb a tree
how about you just leave me be
but you asked for my oppinion
so i gave you my reason
and of course you blew up on me
you're like a bomb waiting to explode
so that is why im hitting the road
i dont want to see you again...
saw you at the mall today
you tried coming over to talk to me
but i just took off and ran
you left there screaming my name
everyone thought you were insane
and i do not blame them...
i dont mean to be rude
but i dont like you
id rather be nice
but i hate you...
2. Evacuate
(coming soon)
3. More Than Friends
(coming soon)
4. Why I Love You
your hair waves like the ocean
your eyes are like a potion
look into them and you get stuck
your warm hands bring me good luck
your legs are so nicely tanned
your loveable heart could get any man
you do the nicest things for your friends
things that i cant even comprehend...
that is why i love you
your face is like a panting
you recieve the highest rating
your perfume smells like a rose
the scent of it is still on my clothes
your lipstick has a great taste
it will never be put to waste
your pictures are all over my walls
you make my days by your phone calls...
that is why i love you
5. Missing Home
(coming soon)
6. I'm Here
(coming soon)
7. Three
you are hot
she is not
shes not hot
you are hot
i like you
three times two
i hate school
i like you
be my friend
til the end
hold my hand
be my friend
lets hang out
lets not pout
lets hang out...
three of them
rock on dude!
8. Do You Remember Me?
(coming soon)
9. I Still Love You
i think about you everyday in my day dreams
i dream of us together
me holding you so tight
i wish we were how we used to be
we'd cuddle underneath my tv
looking back at those times
we never had one fight...
everytime i talk to you
i want to cry cuz i still love you
everytime i look at you
i want to cry cuz i still love you
i really do
but i know that you love him
and i guess that is ok
as long as you're happy, it is cool
but please remember your heart's still with me
it always was
and always will be...
10. Untitled
do you know the muffin man
will you hold my lonely hand...
going along without you here
hardest, saddest thing of the whole year
i want us to be more than friends
i swear our love will never end...
i want you to be with me
i want you for eternity...
11. Why?
(coming soon)
12. Karaoke Radio
(no lyrics)